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Friday, August 20, 2010


It's been a rough week. I haven't felt like doing anything and I think there may have been a binge day in there too. I guess the only thing that keeps me going is that I keep trying. I may not be successful (yet) but I keep trying.

Today marks my DD 4month birthday - oh how time flys. So I thought it would be appropriate to celebrate by trying out a new workout DVD that I've had for about two months. I just haven't wanted to try it - until today. Boy am I glad I did!

(only $9.95 from Wal-Mart, but you might find it cheaper online)

It guarantees you'll burn 500 calories so I tested it with my HRM, and guess what? I burned 658 calories in 60mins! That's as much as I burn running for 60mins!!! Fantastic. AND, I did mainly the beginner variation with hardly any weights. The thing I really like is that it's hard. It's not like a pansy DVD that I've tried before - and believe me I've tried A LOT of them. I hate it when you're not pushed or don't even break a sweat after a week of using it. Not this one. Once I master the beginner then I have the option of weights, which I'll start with 5lbs since I don't own 3lbs, then move up to 8lbs, 10lbs etc. I can see myself benefiting from this DVD for awhile.

If you're a beginner beginner and have a hard time keeping up with fast paced steps then this might not be for you. But if you're looking to burn over 500 calories in an hour, use weights and cardio combined, do some push ups, ab work etc., then you'll like this one.

I'm so happy with the way I spent that hour. I feel much better today!

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