My Progress

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I know I haven't posted anything here in awhile - it's because I WENT BACK TO WORK! Bleh. Yes, my beautiful 4months off has come to an end. Last week I had to take the elevator up to the dreaded 4th floor again. And do you think they were easy on me? Giving me a chance to get back in the swing of things? Learning all the things that have changed since I've been gone? NO WAY. I was the only one with 5 patients at 1900 and then 6 at 2300. Thanks guys. But enough about that - that's just my excuse.

Weight wise I've done pretty good. Down another 2lbs. Not to shabby for minimal exercise, but I have been cutting my portions way back. Not sure how working nights will play into this weight loss thing. A messed up sleep pattern can totally wreck your progress, but then again I run my A off at work so maybe that will help. We'll see.

I plan to get some good workouts in this week since I'm off until Friday.
Until then - it's sweat time.

ps - good job Mom on the 15lb loss!!!

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