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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Background Part 1

You can't really know a person, unless you know where they've come from. So here is all the background info you'll need to get to know me.

Growing up I never had "weight issues" per say, but I was on the thicker side - maybe smoother side is more like it. I wasn't the skinny girl who could eat anything, nor was I over weight. But I can remember always wanting to lose a few pounds. Body image issues right from the start I guess. One of the most hurtful things that has stuck with me since high school was when a boy I liked watched me walk toward him and said "geesh, thunder thighs". I laughed, but it stung.

I started working out at the local gym when I was a freshman in high school. I used to volunteer in the child care room so I could get free membership. I wasn't hard core about it, but I did hit the aerobics class on and off for the next three years. My senior year I signed up for a weightlifting class with my friend so we could get out of taking PE as seniors. That's when I came to love and respect weightlifting.

Off to college I went. I never really gained the freshmen 15 (I already felt like I had 15 to lose) and I got a membership right away at the gym. Again, I worked out on and off and looking back I really had no idea how to workout. But at least I was getting exercise.

I then met my to be husband who was a fitness fanatic! We're talking crazy here people. He HAD to workout everyday for about 2 hours, sometimes twice a day. He'd even show up late for dates because of a workout. I used to HATE that, but now love the fact that he's into being healthy and fit - it helps me. (he of course has calmed down a bit)

I pretty much stayed the same weight from high school on, til my first pregnancy - about 125-130lbs, mainly by walking, using machines at the gym and staying physically active (hiking etc.) My first doctor's appt when I was pregnant with my first son I weighed in at 134lbs. I ended up gaining 28lbs that pregnancy. The problem began after my son was born. A once full time worker turned stay at home mom I found comfort in baking and eating. I gained weight, but don't know how much since I didn't own a scale during this time of my life. I could tell by my clothes and pictures. I didn't start to lose any weight until my son was about 9 months old (around April) and I was about to be a bridesmaid in a friends wedding. I wanted to lose weight fast so my husband suggested running. Now let's get one thing straight - I HATED RUNNING. I mean really hated it, like would do anything else in the world hated it. It was the worst and I would tease my husband about it every time he'd take off for a run. But I was desperate.

I started to run/walk. More like walk/run. I couldn't run for more than a block, literally. But each time I added more and more distance - like make it to the next fire hydrant or telephone pole distance. Not too extreme here. Plus I cut all my food portions in half. I didn't restrict eating or count calories, just cut everything I would have normally ate in half. It worked! And by the time my friend's wedding rolled around (June) I had to have my size 12 dress taken in, roughly 2 sizes. I felt great. But the best part was I found a love for running. Yes, I converted. Plus I was so happy with the results I had to keep going.
(to be continued...)

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