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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Welcome Aboard

Here it is...the beginning of a very long and hard journey, but I know it will be worth it. I've had enough living in this fat coat and now it's time to shred it. This blog will shamelessly follow my journey to losing over 50lbs and then (hopefully) turning into an Iron Women! I won't hold anything back even to my ego's dismay. I'm not a registered dietitian and I don't know everything about healthy living- but I have been interested in nutrition and exercise since I was in high school and have read a lot about it since. The ideas and programs followed in this blog are choices I make for me - you should seek medical advice before starting any diet and exercise program. Ok, enough logistics. If you're looking for inspiration or willing to give motivation (cause I'll need it!) then stick around and hop aboard this crazy train. I guarantee there will be bumps and curves ahead.

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