My Progress

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Quick Update

Have to be quick because I hear the little one stirring. She's been off schedule since we got home - and now we're leaving again on Wednesday. Oh summer. You're killing my schedule.
Anyway, I got an 80min walk/run in on Saturday. Sunday is my official day off and today I slacked. I'm having a really hard time staying motivated. I feel like a blob of jelly when I'm out exercising and it kills me to know where I've been, and where I'm at now. Nothing is fitting and I get down so easily. I have to keep going, but leaving town is not going to help with that. I plan to get up in the morning and get an 80min run/walk in again. That is if the little one will go back to sleep and STAY asleep.
Food wise I didn't count my calories today, but if I had to guess I stayed about 1800. Tomorrow I must be perfect. One day at a time. I'll weigh myself again next monday and then again around the first of every month. No measurements until the middle of August.
Have a good night.

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