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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Size Wize

Tomorrow I leave for 5 days. What makes this a difficult challenge is - my clothes. I don't have enough things to wear for 5 days! I pretty much wear the same thing around here day after day and if I'm going out in public I have my choice of about two outfits. So I made a trip to Wal Mart today, since I don't plan on being this size for long I didn't need fashionable and expensive clothes. Wal Mart will do. The problem is, you get to know your real size when you buy new clothes. *Sigh*
I fit into the large 12/14 sizes, and that's pre-washing so I'm sure if I really want them to fit me after laundering I'd need xl 16? So depressing. Now for some of you that may be your goal and you're happy with that size, but for me and my body that's NOT ok.
I have skirts and pants in my closet that are 4's. How did I get so out of control? And what's funny is I look at those "small" clothes in my closet and think they should fit a child. They look like they've shrunk. Mind games I tell you. It's a weird thing what your mind believes. I still feel like I did at 130lbs, but when I see my old clothes and look at pictures I can see what a crock of crap that is.
Didn't get my exercise in this morning. Whoa is me. But I still have hope tonight.

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